Financial Habits You Should Have Before 30

Today, we must plant healthy financial habits more than ever, which will transcend every person’s life.


When we think of habits, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Changes, right? When we leave our comfort zone, it generates panic. But a financial habit doesn’t have to be traumatic. 

Habits are the behavior we perform naturally to fulfill a goal or purpose. The same goes for our personal finances and how healthy they are. 

Creating financial habits is not only about knowing how to save money or thinking about future retirement. They help us reach the peak of financial stability without financial misfortunes at an early age.

Habits in any area of life are created with a lot of discipline, focus, commitment, and constant financial education.

Age has always been a topic of conversation to discuss people’s future plans. As the third floor approaches, there is a transition stage towards independence. 

There is nothing wrong with this type of thinking, but we must focus on achieving that financial freedom we yearn for and what decisions we must make to achieve it. 

Financial freedom is nothing more than the result of a set of decisions that allow you to have healthy financial habits and achieve your goals while maintaining your quality of life along the way.

Remember, you can design financial habits in your 20s, 30s, or 40s. Age is just a number and should not impede changing your path.

“You will never change your life unless you change something you do daily.”

Jack Ma

We have devised a list of some financial habits that can help you in the process of learning and changing for the better.

Let’s take a look at it!

1. Start making money from an early age:

In many countries, being 18+ years of age makes you responsible enough to work, get married, drive, etc. 

Make the most of this benefit and get jobs that generate profits so you can save on your plans. 

It’s important not to buy things you want in the moment. The main thing is that you create financial habits and professional skills to maintain financial strength.

2. Choose to learn and always budget:

This is one of the most important financial habits. Every budget gets control of your personal finances (income/expenses) and of how you distribute and save your money.

Never underestimate the importance of budgeting until you can change bad habits that do not allow you to control your money. 

Today, there are excellent tools for controlling and recording expenses, such as mobile apps, spreadsheets in Excel, or simply a notepad. 

The financial habits blog,, recommends apps (Fintonic, MoneyWiz,, Money Tracking) that are excellent for recording expenses and keeping all accounts in order.

If you don’t know how to start your budget, we tell you how to make it easy! 

3. Start saving:

A habit that, without a doubt, can not be missing from the list. It is essential to save with a clear goal and vision.

Do you save to end debt? To buy a product? Do you save for an emergency fund? For a retreat? What is your goal and vision of saving?

The habit of saving is something constant: monthly, biweekly, weekly. Use the methods with which you feel comfortable, and that adapt to your financial capacity. 

Goals are a great incentive to save. You set a goal and then set a deadline: short, medium, or long, and you decide to go for it! Goal!

Remember to invest so you will have extra income reflected in your accounts in the future. 

4. Invest:

Investing money is a serious decision with a lot of unknowns. Know that every investment has a risk and a return.

When it comes to profitability, we refer to the benefit that is greater than the investment. We risk the probability of having no benefit to such investment or even losing everything.

We must analyze what we want to invest in and acquire all the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve it. Study the products, the terms, the returns, and the risks before deciding. 

5. Stay out of debt:

 The ideal situation is to pay off all your debts and stay away from them. How to do it?

– Buy only what you need

– Avoid using credit cards as much as possible

– According to experts, allocate a maximum of 30% to the budget for the payment of pending items

– Organize current debts and see which one has the lowest and highest interest

– Look for savings plans adapted to you. With these savings, you can pay off debts and collect for the future.

6. Do not lack financial education:

Continuous learning makes us adapt to new situations as we progress along the path of financial independence. 

With a sound financial education, you can significantly improve your understanding of financial products and acquire the skills to develop saving habits and spending planning.

Currently, there are many tools and means to be informed: books, YouTube tutorials, interviews with experts, financial portals, and blogs to keep you up to date. 

Surround yourself with people who teach you valuable lessons and who are where you would like to be. 

7. Diversify your money:

Don’t invest everything in one place. Diversifying is one of the most successful financial habits and a central premise of financial investment to reduce risks. 

The objective of diversifying your money or company is that any investment you make increases the profit margin.

You can distribute the risk of your investment portfolio: different products, currencies, issuers, economic sectors, terms, etc. You have a vast field of investing!

In this way, you will always obtain income from different sources, and if any of the sectors put you at risk, you do not lose all the investment.

8. Watch out for ant expenses:

When we are young, we always want to treat ourselves. But these are the so-called ant expenses that must be controlled.

Ant expenses are reflected at the end of the month when our budget does not fit, and we do not know what we have spent the money on. 

They are challenging to identify because they are expenses that we make daily, such as a coffee, eating at a cafe, etcetera that adds to the outlay stealthily.

9. Do not pay interest; always keep your payments up to date:

The way to always keep your finances in complete control is to pay all debts to date so that no interest is generated that later affects your budget.

Keeping your accounts up to date will give you an excellent reputation with financial institutions and a good habit for your personal finances.

10. Consume wisely:

Even if we have an exclusive, favorite brand that we like so much, DO NOT DEPEND ONLY ON IT! 

To consume intelligently is to investigate the world of possibilities that the market offers us (better prices, offers, perhaps a better product at a lower price).

11. The power to negotiate – Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate:

You should never stop insisting and persevering in what you want to achieve. You must know the market, see the competition, and always negotiate. 

Over time, you will realize that everything becomes a negotiation from the smallest to the most important. Negotiate prices, negotiate credits/loans, negotiate with suppliers, etc.

There are many techniques and books that serve as mentors to have the power to negotiate effectively and successfully.

12. Read books from finance experts:

It takes time to develop healthy financial habits and gain as much knowledge as possible about managing personal finances. 

And what better way to spend time than reading? Yes, many experts and investors have dedicated part of their lives to writing the best books on personal finance and financial habits: investing, saving, financial health, counseling, and thousands of other categories.

Here is a short list of the most famous and most-read books in the financial market:

1. Money: Dominate the Game, by Tony Robbins

2. The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker

3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by the renowned Robert Kiyosaki

4. The Tao, by the teacher Warren Buffet

5. How to Facilitate Financial Awakening in Children, by María Inés Sarmiento

If you do not have time to read, we leave you this entry with audiobooks completely free. Remember that the most potent instrument is learning.

13. Don’t despair, stay calm:

Always keep calm, even when the tide rises!

Many times, we are anxious, dissatisfied, and frustrated by what we lack. We compare ourselves to others who are achieving things that perhaps we do not yet have. 

But, all aspects of life depend on timing. In finance, discipline and patience are fundamental keys to creating a solid foundation in our decisions. 

Be happy with what you own and focus on your dreams to turn each experience into positive learning.

14. Have a good credit history:

By thirty, you are old enough to understand the importance of good credit. Every financial entity evaluates your creditworthiness.  

Therefore, it is incredibly vital that you always keep your accounts up to date and have a good saving capacity. 

Everything you need to know about credit history you can find at:

15. Take action:

Learn to undertake when you already have healthy financial habits and a decisive discipline. 

Once you manage to develop good practices, you are ready to start your business and put to work those ideas that you have been waiting for so long to make a reality. 

If you have already reached 30 years of age, which is one of the most fruitful stages of life, tell us which of these financial habits have you already implemented in your lifestyle?

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