10 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business

10 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business

Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Every year more and more entrepreneurs want to have financial freedom for themselves and their loved ones.  Many believe that starting out is an easy task and underestimate the entire process and effort that must be invested. This is even before all the political, economic, social, and personal factors…

A Guide To Successfully Organizing Your Personal Finances

A Guide To Successfully Organizing Your Personal Finances

Learning how we can manage and keep our personal finances healthy is a matter of habit, discipline, and committed work.  When we reflect and take the necessary actions to change our financial situation, we allow ourselves to implement basic tools, such as saving and investing, that are put into practice in our daily lives. Do…

Financial Habits You Should Have Before 30

Financial Habits You Should Have Before 30

Today, we must plant healthy financial habits more than ever, which will transcend every person’s life. LET’S TALK ABOUT FINANCIAL HABITS AND AGE! When we think of habits, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Changes, right? When we leave our comfort zone, it generates panic. But a financial habit doesn’t have to be traumatic. …


How to Become Rich? Can I Still Buy Starbucks?

I’ve always subscribed to the notion that “mighty oaks from little acorns grow.”  I’ve enjoyed the classics of personal finance.  To be quite honest, I’m now wondering if my thinking as outdated as Windows 95. A while back on Living Rich Cheaply, Andrew posted an article asking if personal finance bloggers are “pound foolish.“  In…

budget holiday 2016

Credit Card Rewards – Make the Most of Your Holiday Budget

UPDATED:  December 11, 2020  –  It is estimated that the typical American consumer will spend approximately $940 for gifts this year. Retail sales will increase 3.5% over 2015 sales to a whopping $656 billion! Much of that money will be spent using credit cards. It’s important that you make the most of the available credit…